
Friday 14 September 2012

OMD Holibobs!!!

Hurrah!!!!!! We have arrived at my favourite place on earth! We have come on Holibobs to Llanelli, Wales. We always stay at a lovely flat right on the beach.

Hang on beach?.......sod unpacking.....let's hit the beach...... Wahooooooooo.........

If you know men at all you'll know my absolute favourite thing (yes more than noms) is SWIMMING:

The only real problem being is the humans won't let me swim round the clock. But it is still a good nosing spot:

Anyways...... Hopefully I can hide the wine each evening and get my humum to type updates about my amazing Holibobs for you all. I figure this is the only way to get her attention. She has not helped me write a blog post since January, which quite frankly is a disgrace!

Much love from Wales,
Bingo x

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Llanelli, Wales

1 comment:

  1. Bingo, dem is grate picktures ob wooooo zoomieing into da sea!! Sure looks like a boooutiful place fur holibobs!!
    We hopes dat mum writes wooo sume more bloggies too.

    tail wags
