
Sunday 16 September 2012

Pembrey Country Park Geocaching

Today was a bit cloudy so we decided to stay fairly close to the Holiday flat and do a bit of geocaching. There were 8 caches in our sites and we didn't get off to a good start with the first one being close to the big cross country horses event that was going on:

It was very hard to be stealth like and the first one we were looking for was tiny! Daddy got cross and he was about to storm off when he finally found it! Phew!

One of the caches we did was in some funny tunnels:

Looks a little bit scary doesn't it - thankfully it was an easy find.

We managed to find 7 of the 8, one was a little bit too hard for us. Then it started raining so we headed back for tea and welsh cakes. Welsh cakes are yet another reason to love Wales.

And if you still weren't sure that Wales was fantastic here are some lovely sunset photos from Friday evening:

Oh..... And for all the humum's out there:

Love from Wales,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:United Kingdom

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bingo!!!
    I wud LOVE dat trip. Horsies, caching & cakes souwnds all good to me.
    Bad luck on da horsies being der when woo wanted to cache though. Dem littl' nano fings is wreally innoying. Da mum hates putting da log back in.

    Tail Wags
