
Sunday 7 August 2011

Morestead Meander

Sunday is always Geocaching day in our house and today we headed off to the outskirts of winchester to do a loop of 12. The loop was called Morestead Meander and was about 4 miles long.

It was a lovely walk through a mixture of woodlands and alongside cornfields. Here are me and dad posing at the start.

We've been doing some difficult caches recently so it was lovely to do a loop that didn't really have big difficulty ratings for a change (harder the cache the more standing around we seem to do because the humans are slow to find them!)

This one was a little too easy though I have to say!:

Me moving onto the next cache:

Dad was a bit annoyed at the start because mum kept beating him to the finds and he thought it was going to be a bit embarrassing where he found none so I helped him out:

Daddy it's here!

..... really dad, it's right under your nose!

He got a bit more switched on after that so I could relax and woogle in some fox poo:

Mum did try the wet wipes on me but I woogled in the scent good and proper!

We met quite a few horseys on the way round and even stopped to hold a gate open for one of them! It really was lovely countryside so mum made me stop to pose for a pretty picture:

Mind you after finding all twelve i was quite a tired pooch so chilled out this afternoon watching the football with dad:

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