
Sunday 14 August 2011

Stoke Park Woods

Sunny Sunday geocaching was calling me again so I bundled the humans into the car and got them to take me to woods in Bishopstoke.

Daddy had worked out a little loop for us to do which included a mystery geocache that mum had worked out a few weeks earlier.

First we pretty much walked round the outskirts of Stoke Park Woods and up on footpath's near a farm. Here I met a lovely greyhound called Tilly who was out with her dad on a bike ride:

The third cache we found was an ammo box. Dad was very excited as these are his favourite kind:

He was very lucky today because 3 out of 7 we found today were all ammo caches!

In one of the ammo caches we put in the travel bug daddy picked up in the week. The travel bug was attached to a cuddly Wart Hog called JR Bubba.

When dad bought him home Tuesday night my first reaction was "brilliant a toy to chew up!". However I was informed JR has not travelled over 22,000 miles just to be ripped up by me. I suppose he has a point!

So I was a good boy and my only contact was to give hima kiss goodbye when we placed him in Hawthorn Hide :

Then it was into the woods to find more geocaches, also chased some squirrels and saw some deer!

Here are me and dad entering the woods:

I had a great time and we picked up 3 more travel bugs today too!

We even stopped off on the way home at a travel bug hotel in the hope of helping one of them get to the USA. It's near the airport so hoping someone picks it up soon! When we were there in the hotel was a MAD travelbug:

You can see it is massive! So would be a challenge to find caches big enough to for it in. It also weighed about 5kg!!!! We weren't brave enough to take it with us and carry it around in our rucksack in the hope of finding a place to move it on to. Although we might keep an eye on it and if it's still there after awhile we might go back and get it and step up to the challenge (hope they don't make me carry it)

Next week I am going to visit Granny in the Forest of Dean.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iBone

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