
Sunday 11 September 2011

Dadless caching

It's Sunday so it is Geocaching Day.  However, Dad is missing as he went to Last Night of the Proms in Hyde Park last night.  Therefore we were limited in what we were allowed to do under Dad's strict instructions.  Partly because caching is a family thing and we do it as a team and partly because he wanted to present when we did our 500th cache.  So that meant we were allowed to do 3 caches (only 3 caches!!!)

 Friday Mum and me did a special run out to a cache to pick up Mille's Travel Bug. So we took this with us on our travels today.  We attached her to the bone Carabina I have on my Geobag so she could see everything along the way:
Mini Millie on the move!

So today with Mini Millie in tow we set out to do a couple of the My Ampshire series.  We managed to park quite close to the first one and mum had soon found the micro cache.  Here are me and Mini Millie logging the find:
Can you spot mini millie?
Then it was a walk along the lane for awhile, which I hate because it means I have to be on the lead:
Grrrrrr I hate being on the lead!
Whilst I was walking on the lead along the lanes a nasty waspie came and stung me right on my ear.  By the time we got to the second cache I have to admit I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I normally do and whimpered asking to go back to the car.  Mum said "not long now to a good footpath" so I carried on bravely.  It was worth it as we found a the footpath went through a big field and I went bonkers doing zoomies in delight:
Then there was some lovely woodland to explore:
Lots of good smells here.
And then it wasn't long before I found our 3rd and final cache of the day:
It's there Mummy!
So with the assistance of Mini Millie we signed the log:
On the way back Mum got out the emergency ball so I could have a good run:
Yay for the emergency ball!
Although I am not very good at giving the ball back to have it thrown again.  In fact I mostly want to chew it:
Can you get it off me??
Then finally after some ball action is was back along the car.  We are now on 499 caches and inline to manage 500 before our first year of geocaching is up. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah. Thank you for taking so much care of mini-Millie, I bet she really enjoyed her day out with you.
