
Saturday 10 September 2011

Walked my paws off

Wowsers I am so late uploading this blog from last Sunday's Geocaching.  I think that is because it took me so long to recover.  The humans almost literally walked my paws off - we walked for almost 9 miles and were out for five and a half hours!  We managed to find a total of 30 caches!!!

We wanted to do a big loop as we are hoping to reach a grand total of 500 caches by our first geocaching anniversary towards the end of September.  So we set out to do Joey's Wayfarers Wander which is a loop of 24 caches (with a couple of extra caches either along the route or at a slight detour).

Here I am towards the start of the loop -
 all the forts are up on top of the hill but not sure you can really see them in this photo.

The caches were a really good variety (not just micro after micro) and ended in a lovely big Ammo Tin - Daddy's favourite.

Is that a dog or a pony?
Spotted this Dog sized pony on the way round!

Uh oh?  The cows seem to think it is going to rain?????

After about 3 miles in (i.e. too far to run back to the car!) it started to absolutely chuck it down!  It did this for over half and hour and we all got soaked :-(  I was not a happy puppy......

Please can we go home?

I know I was wearing my new water proof Cinch it collar but still!  I don't think we have ever been so wet and so miserable whilst geocaching before.  You can see how wet daddy is here:

Is that a DRY spot Daddy?
After awhile it did lighten up a bit and so did our mood a bit - even though we were all a bit soggy doggies.  We went across a lot of fields and I saw this strange thing, which I didn't like much, or maybe I was just grumpy still being wet?.....

What is it? Grrrrr

It was a long way round so after awhile whilst we in some woods detouring for a couple of extra caches we stopped for a snack (whilst it was still dry enough):

lunch time noms!

Near half way we also found a cleverly disguised cache.  We have seen alot like this before disguised as a log:

Can you see the cache?

But we have never had to sign the inside of the actual log on an actual log before:

Have to write and log on the painted white log, inside the log (confusing!)

There were some usual traditional caches hidden by stickoflague which were quite easy and then there were some well hidden micros such as this one:

Where is it?  I can't see it Daddy!

Can you see it??

And then there was this cheeky number too:

What is the code?

It took Mum and Dad quite awhile to work this one out.  There was no clue as to what the code should be, only hint was that it was 5 ft up!  Well it took them long enough to find it and then even longer to work out the code!  Finally they got it and then a spider crawled out as Mum tried to reach in for the log!  BOL.

Anyway, I'm glad I have finally got mum to type up my loop - especially as we put so much effort in doing it.  We are now on 496 caches, not long to go!!!

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