
Sunday 4 December 2011

Spooky Caches

See the Pumpkin Cache

OMD the humans have not helped me with my blog for AGES!!!  And we've even been to do exciting stuff that they haven't got round to blogging about like going to see Teagan my twitter friend - you can read all about here!

Anyway, last night we stayed at the Grandparents last night so we went out to do a loop nearby which was Halloween themed.  (OK so it's nearer to Christmas but I have already established I cannot get the staff these days!)

The series was on the whole quite easy to find but very cool, the first one we found was a pumpkin:

A little walk on and we were soon at Halloween Rat Dip:

Halloween Rat Dip

Here is Daddy being silly at Celebration of the Dead:

Daddy pulling a "Dead face"

Mmmmmmmmm that really is a big spider mum!!!! Oh, phew it's just the cache container:

Boris the spider

Worst of all was having to do a cache that was a CAT!!! Yes I know a CAT! I nearly refused to log this one in protest!!!!

A Witches Cat- can I kill it???

Spell of a Witch find.

There were ten of these clever themed caches in total.  All were quite quick to find - which quite frankly is just as well in colder climates, otherwise you have to stand around for ages whilst the humans search for them!  The last one; The Spell of a Witch; was causing them some trouble to be honest.  So, I  had to help them out.  They were miles out looking at a spooky, cobweb covered tree; I took them over the other side of the Ford and lead them into the woods an we soon found the cache - here I am posing with my find:

Then, it wasn't long before we headed home for our very own brew!

Daddy, its normally ME in the water!  


  1. I like the new look for your blog Bingo. Definitely not sure about that cat cache.

  2. Stella & I did some of these when we were on holiday in the New Forest but my friend got bored so we didn't finish the series. That was in September and where your Dad is standing was flooded then too! They are some of the best cache containers we ever seen :)
