
Monday 2 January 2012

Christmas Geocaching

For Christmas this year we were off up to the Forest of Dean.  We got up there very late on the 23rd so after a little bit of kip it was Christmas Eve and naturally time to take advantage of the not yet done Geocaches. Me and Mum have been on this walk before - it had its of nice sculptures to look at you walk round:
Me and Mum at one of the sculptures

 Last time I was here with Mum in October we ran out of battery power and got lost on the sculpture walk so I thought I'd take her back there with reinforcements this time:

Me, Grampy and Daddy
Mind you the first time we went back with Grampy and Daddy we had "technical problems" the bone had no signal and the Gamin  GPS would not lock onto a satellite.  Grrrrrrrr.  After a little while we managed to get just one cache on Christmas Eve and we were a little disappointed after all out efforts that it was just a micro.  Oh well!  So I took Dad and Mum back out on Boxing Day to do some more in the same area.  This time we found an ammo can! 
Yay! Ammo Can

Sometimes the sticks around the cache are just as interesting
Then I went home and snoozed all afternoon as did Grampy.

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