
Monday 2 January 2012

Christmas is sooooo tiring

Me Opening one of my presents

Now I love Christmas don't get me wrong but  there is also something just soooooo exhausting about it all.  We were up in the Forest of Dean with Granny and Grampy and all of Mum's family.  Mum has had a tradition every since she was a pup the they all get up really early to open their presents on Christmas Day.  They used to get up at 6am but the other humans in the family have managed to calm Mum down a bit and this year it was only a 7am start.   They don't have breakfast or anything they just start present opening immediately!  Now I LOVE presents - I get soooo excited at any paper tearing whether it is my present or not.  This can mean I try to open all the presents but other humans get annoyed at this - safe to say I got told off a lot first thing in the morning!   So by the time I opened some of my presents, tried hard to control myself whilst everyone was opening theirs and been out for a walk I was fast asleep even before dinner:

Boys chilling out waiting for lunch

Also at the Forest of Dean every Christmas Day just before lunch time the Band come to play - it's really nice and festive; all the local dogs love to join in:

Here are all of the rabble at the Forest of Dean on Christmas Day:

Look at my smart new harness, collar and lead set from Aunty Hannah!

So after Christmas in the Forest of Dean we nudged in the car and drove straight to the New Forest to do Christmas all over again at Granny and Grandpa's.  Here I am with Dad opening my present from Auntie Claire.  It was a squeaky hamburger but I wasn't allowed to play with it there as it would apparently be "too annoying".  So it was nice to get back home and have a play with it:


Not only was it nice to get home and play it was use nice to finally get some rest after all the excitement:
There is nothing like your own sofa - now turn down the lights zzzzzzz

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