
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Extreme Geocaching

Last day at Granny and Grandpa's today so we thought we'd step the geocaching up a level!

Mum found a loop of three that she thought we could TRY. I say try because when we sat down to look at the descriptions they were all REALLY HARD. Well they started off medium and got harder:

The first one was called King Arthur's Caves. This was a 3 difficulty, 1.5 terrain. So we weren't necessarily going to find it cause it was supposed to be hard to spot.

There were lots of really cool shapes in the rock to run around at thus location:

Despite new to geocaching Grandpa is now well in zone and got a sense for geocaching and after a short search we hit jackpot:

There it is!

Then we walked on up, and up. Quite soon they put me on the lead after seeing this signpost on the footpath:

I thought putting me on the lead was a bit insulting as the sign didn't show a dog falling off the cliff just a silly human!

Anyway we kept climbing up to try and find Log This!!

This was listed as difficulty 4 and terrain 2.5 so daddy wasn't being very optimistic about getting this one! When we got to ground zero we stopped to have a look at the fantastic view:

And then spotted something not quite right out the corner of our eyes. Hurrah another find, you can just make out the disguised container tucked in daddy's arm whilst he logs the find:

Then it was nervously onwards to see what we would find at the location on the 4.5 difficulty, 4.5 terrain cache called:
Looking for Linda

It took us ages to scramble down to the gz and then we found this scary looking entrance:

Sorry the photo is a bit blurry but mum was shaking thinking about bats, spiders and other cave like scary creatures! The gps was saying 40 ft inwards!

So on went the torches and in we crawled (well the humans had to I could just walk straight in). They could all stand up a couple of feet inside the cave though:

It was quite scary but also very exciting! I thought it was quite funny when grandpa started making noises to try and scare us:

We had to go to nearly the very end of the cave to find the cache and then grandpa spotted it:

It was quite tricky to log it:

But we managed it! How very exciting our first ever 4.5,4.5!

At the back of the cave I thought I could hear and see bats (the humans didn't see any but I did my fixated stare for quite some time):

Mum tried to take a video on the way out the cave so you can see how scary it was, it's a bit dark though for obvious reasons:

YouTube Video

We were all relieved to get out but had a great time:

I will miss Grandpa not being with us geocaching as he is quite good at it. But we have to leave today and return home (booooooooooo)

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