
Tuesday 23 August 2011

Pant pant pant hill

Grandpa was so good at geocaching yesterday that he was itching to go again today so we drove to Goodrich and took him to try and do a loop of 3. We started off by going downhill to the river. Here is me at the River Wye:

Daddy had already solved the Ghost's at Goodrich mystery cache before we came up so we just had to locate it down by the river. Grandpa had his hands on it in no time! Then it was onwards past the castle:

And up, and up, and up, ......:

and up, and up and up, and up the hill! I was panting so much by the top and mum was positively pink. Here are me, mum and grandpa up the top:

And some very nice views if you like that sort of thing:

Then at the top was another geocache where we pick up this cute travel bug, I thought it looked a little like me:

Then it was down the hill (phew) back towards the car, with a cache on the way near the old lime kilns. Here are grandpa, me and mum at the top of the lime kiln (you can just make me out between them):

Back at granny's I started to have a snooze:

But then they announced That we were all off for lunch at Aunty Jess' new house and that i was invited too! So we all piled in the car and after about an hour we arrived. I have fallen in love with her new house:

It is a lovely barn in the Worcestershire countryside with lots of interesting smelly outbuildings and grass! I asked if i could stay, but mum and dad weren't very happy about that. They said i could go visit for a couple of days at the end of september which i can't walt for as there will be loads of untapped geocaches to do there!

I think we have to go home tomorrow but I have heard them all talking about geocaching in the morning before we leave, so watch this space.

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