
Saturday 20 August 2011

Scavenger hunt galore

Well many of you will know about my hobby of Geocaching and how much I love it! Today is international geocaching day so I celebrated by hiding my own cache. "bingo's secret stash" is in the queue for publishing and is a simple, small traditional cache. This is the fourth cache I have hidden so far. I placed in the woods opposite the sea (one of my favourite haunts) and the tide was in so I had to have a quick swim too:

Behind me you can see one of the cruise ships going out. Not sure why you would want to go anywhere on a boat when you can swim?

I also needed to make sure I did a cache today as I think I will get a little virtual souvenir badge! So I aptly chose one in this area:

I also placed some more Munzee's today - I have hidden four of these now too !

Munzee is a real world scavenger hunt game where items are found in the real world and captured using your smartphone. Points are obtained by capturing Munzee is kind of based on the idea of geocaching but uses barcodes and smart phone app's:

Here are me and dad placing our 3rd one today:

So today has been quite an achievement all round for scavenger hunting!

Tomorrow I am off to Granny's in the Forest of Dean - soooooooo many caches to do up there! Can't wait!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iBone

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